Publikationen 2011
Barabasch, Antje/Rauner, Felix (Eds): The Art of Integration: Work and Education in America. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series. Dordrecht: Springer. Forthcoming 2011.
Deitmer, Ludger/ Hassan, Sulaiman Bin Hj./ Rashidi, Ramli Bin Hj./Rauner, Felix (2011): Framework of effective collaboration between public training institute and industries in vocational education and training of apprentices. In: Hauschildt, Ursel/Zhao, Zhiqun/Rauner, Felix (Eds.): Assuring the Acquisition of Expertise. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 195-198.
Heinemann, Lars/ Ji, Li/ Maurer, Andrea/Rauner, Felix (2011): Competence development of apprentices and TVET students: A Chinese-German comparative study. In: Hauschildt, Ursel/Zhao, Zhiqun/Rauner, Felix (Eds.): Assuring the Acquisition of Expertise. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 217-220.
Heinemann, Lars/Rauner, Felix (2011): Measuring vocational competences in electronic engineering: Findings of a large scale competence measurement project in Germany. In: Hauschildt, Ursel/Zhao, Zhiqun/Rauner, Felix (Eds.): Assuring the Acquisition of Expertise. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 221-224.
Hauschildt, Ursel/Zhao, Zhiqun/Rauner, Felix (Eds.) (2011): Assuring the Acquisition of Expertise. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Rauner, Felix/Smith, Erica (2011): Chairpersons of the INAP-Board. In: Hauschildt, Ursel/ Zhao, Zhiqun/Rauner, Felix (Eds.): Assuring the Acquisition of Expertise. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 13-15.
Rauner, Felix (2011): The apprenticeship approach: A way to overcome demarcations between vocational and higher education. In: Hauschildt, Ursel/Zhao, Zhiqun/Rauner, Felix (Eds.): Assuring the Acquisition of Expertise. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 19-31.
Rauner, Felix/Heinemann, Lars/Ji, Li/Maurer, Andrea/Zhao, Zhiqun (2011): Messen
beruflicher Kompetenzen. Bd. 3: Drei Jahre KOMET-Testerfahrung. Berlin: LIT.
Rauner, Felix et al (Eds.): Competence Development and Assessment in TVET (COMET). Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series. Dordrecht: Springer. Forthcoming 2011.
Rauner, Felix. Demarcations between Vocational and Academic Education and how to overcome them. In: “The Future of VET in a Changing World” (Working Title) Conference Proceedings G.R.E.A.T., Cologne on September 29 – October 1. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Series. Dordrecht: Springer. Forthcoming 2011.